Ampolas, meio líquido m-ColiBlue24, vidro, 20 unid.

Produto n.º: 2608420
Preço Unitário Contacte-nos

Important Note: m-ColiBlue24 should only be used with EO sterilized pads that are currently manufactured by the following companies/brands: Pall Corporation (e.g., Sterile Petri Dishes with Absorbant Pads), Private Label/OEM products manufactured by Pall Gelman, Sartorius (cellulose and glass fiber pads), Sartorius BioSart products with the integrated Petri dish, and Millipore EO sterilized pads.

No other pad is compatible with m-ColiBlue-24, and the use of any non-EO pad or EO pad, other than those manufactures recommended by Hach may result in unreliable and inaccurate testing.

  • Leia e confirme os resultados em 24 horas
  • Obtenha uma sensibilidade superior – 1 UFC/100 mL
  • Realize testes de emergência e monitorações de rotina
  • Elimine o equipamento especial e a lâmpada ultravioleta
  • Minimize o desenvolvimento de bactérias não-coliformes em segundo plano